Tips for Capturing a Great Session Recording

I have had to go back and look at a meeting I had with one of my co-workers few days back, because we couldn’t find a particular document they needed. It was an hour long meeting and I can’t remember everything we talked about, but luckily, I recorded the meeting using my phone’s voice recorder and could tell them exactly what they needed.

Remembering everything from meetings is difficult because there are so many things discussed that it can be hard to pay attention to every detail. Recording your meetings will help you remember details from the discussion so that you don’t have to try to reconstruct them later on when someone says “oh yeah, we need this document…

There are many different recording techniques that can be used to capture meetings without compromising the quality of the recording. I’ve listed some of the most effective techniques along with some tips on how to use them.

  1. Develop a recording plan before you begin recording
  2. Distribute a written agenda to participants
  3. Ask for permission before recording, and tell them how the recording will be used
  4. Use check-in and check-out to start and end a meeting
  5. Make notes during and after your meeting
  6. Be aware of other people that might be in the room.
  7. Include asking for feedback as part of your recording strategy
  8. If someone interrupts you during the meeting, offer to resume at that point later on in your recording session if needed.
  9. If you have a time limit, make sure to stay on topic as much as possible.
  10. Have a little fun and add some levity to your recording sessions.
  11. 11. Use different recording methods for different types of meetings or interviews.
  12. To be a better listener, learn how to pause, reflect and repeat back to people at the end of your sentence or question.
  13. 13. If you’re not able to get a testimonial from your meeting, ask people if they will be prepared to write a review of your organization or service afterwards.
  14. If you have any aspect of the recording process that’s inconsistent or unclear, fix it during the session and let participants know.
  15. Use a quality microphone to record your voice, this is the most important step to ensure your voice is clear and audible.


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