What are the steps involved to get a stunning PowerPoint presentation

Have you ever been tasked with the daunting task of making a PowerPoint presentation for your boss, your team or your clients? It’s overwhelming, to say the least, and it is usually done in just a few hours at the most. But fail to brief your designer on what needs to be included in the presentation and all that hard work can go down the drain.

If you’ve ever faced this dilemma, In this blog post I will be sharing several steps on how to brief a professional PowerPoint designer to get a stunning PowerPoint presentation delivered on time.

Step 1 – Brainstorming for Design Inspiration

You need to start this process by listing down all the things that you would like in your PowerPoint presentation. That way, you will have a clear idea of what should be included in the presentation.

Step 2 – Turn to Your Designer

By now you are probably getting confused about which designer to approach. To make things easier, go and visit some websites that offer PowerPoint design services.

Step 3 – Consider the Price

Once you have found a couple of designers who are reliable and affordable, then turn to your project manager or business owner for help in choosing the best one for your job.

Step 4 – Call or Email the Designer

After you have chosen a designer, then call or email them to make an appointment for your project. Do not expect them to come right away. They usually need some time to analyze what needs to be done in the PowerPoint presentation. If you make an appointment today at 3:00 pm, then they will definitely be able to start your project by tomorrow morning by 9:00 am.

Step 5 – Prepare for an Efficiency-Saving Interview

Once you meet with your designer, you will probably be surprised with the amount of work they will get done in just a few hours, especially if you do not ask them to finish everything by the end of today. But it is best to give them a set time to finish your project. Give them this amount of time to complete all steps in the PowerPoint presentation and have them turn in their design draft to you by that time.

Step 6 – Check for Initial Drafts

When you receive their preliminary design draft, it is best that you look at it at least once to make sure that no parts of your design were left out. Most designers will include a note in their initial design draft so that they already know what needs to be changed. Do not expect a perfect PowerPoint presentation, but rather have them continue with the editing afterwards.

Step 7 – Receive Final Design Drafts

Now it is time to look at their final design draft for your PowerPoint presentation. If you are happy with them, then you can have them turn in a polished copy of your PowerPoint presentation to you by the end of that day. You might consider taking notes on the changes that they made to ensure that they use the same changes in future PowerPoint presentations.

Step 8 – Reiterate Your Design Goals

When you have received your final design draft, then make sure that you review it thoroughly to ensure that the design meets your business goals, as well as any other requirements for the PowerPoint presentation. If you are not satisfied with their work, then it is better to do this whole process again so that they can fix any errors that you have noticed in your initial draft.

Step 9 – Send in Feedback

If you are happy with their final design draft, then send it to your clients for feedback. If they also like it, then you can have the designer turn in the polished copy to you by the end of that day. If you do not like it, or they have made a lot of changes, then opt for an additional design draft.


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